Deacon Nominations

We have reached the time of the year where we will be selecting new deacons to begin serving in 2025.

Please pray about the men God may lay on your heart to nominate. Nominations open 9/10 and close 10/13. We will post the list of potential candidates in November and then vote to add four new deacons to serve a 3-year term and two more deacons to serve vacated positions at the November 17 Business Meeting.  

*Current Deacons serving either 1 or 2 more years:
Thurman Gardner (1)   |   Patrick McCallop (1)
Stan Gatton (2)   |   Quinn Sheehan (2)   |   Jonah Nowlin (2)   |   Roger Pickerign (2)

*The following men are rotating off this next year and will be ineligible for nomination until fall of 2025:
Mike Huisman
Mitch Barber
Dave Vicker
We would like to thank them for their service to the church!!

(Nominees must be men, 21+ years old, and members in good standing for at least 3 years. They must also fall within the scriptural qualifications in 1 Timothy 3 and Acts 6.)